Very useful function

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A remote function that is almost standard on electric vehicles.
The remote function has been taken care of since the first Nissan Leaf of the car I was riding.

The remote air conditioner ON / OFF function is especially helpful. If you park outside during the summer, the temperature inside the car will be ridiculous.

(45°C×9÷5) + 32 = 113°F

Electric vehicle air conditioners are powerful and can cool in minutes.

However, to say a little luxury, in the case of Model S, if the remaining battery level is 20% or less, the remote air conditioner can not be used.

Is this function also in PHEV? It seems to be attached to the fuel cell car. What about e-power and range extenders?
I’ve never heard that I’m on an ordinary hybrid car. I have heard that 48V hybrids also supply power to air conditioners. Is it compatible with remote air conditioners?
