Material cost and purchase destination link of self-made carbonated water making kit

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Maybe I can introduce the cheapest pattern of self-made carbonated water kit.

  1. The kit actually made
  2. Cheapest combination
  3. Only the limited people

Recommendation is 1. After all there is a track record.

The kit actually made → about $ 35 ~ $ 40

regulator x1, hose band x2, 11 x 6 mm pressure hose, 6 x 4 mm pressure hose, air coupler x1,M5 nut x1.

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Amazon | uxcell PUホース パイプ チューブ 空気圧 エア 6mm x 4mm 3 m | ホース・チューブ
uxcell PUホース パイプ チューブ 空気圧 エア 6mm x 4mm 3 mがホース・チューブストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。

It has the following configuration.

You don’t need the hose 10m or 100m, so I think it would be better to buy it at your local home improvement center that will cut and sell.

The cheapest combination → about $ 30

Choose a regulator for $ 20 (the above $ 30 is with a valve), and purchase a valve separately.

This regulator needs to be careful because the secondary pressure meter is the flow rate. I do not recommend it because it is hard to understand. Conversely, it may be better here to grow aquatic plants.

Error Page | eBay

The hoses, hose bands and air couplers will all cost around $ 30 if purchased at eBay or Amazon or at a home improvement center as per the link above.

Very low price for only limited people → about $ 25

It is not very helpful.
Modeling with CAD without purchasing an air coupler and using 3D printer to make parts with integrated plastic bottle lid and hose connection.
If you buy only the regulator, hose and hose band, it will cost around $ 25.

Actually I made it.

You can not do it unless you have CAD and a 3D printer. Partially requires an O-ring, which can also be made of TPU filaments. Since sealing is required, it requires some knowledge such as the choice of PETG or ABS instead of PLA.
For those who want to enjoy the process of making a carbonated water preparation kit.

