Grilled mackerel with rice

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Since the canned mackerel can eat bones, its nutritional value is quite high.
Although it is delicious as it is, I often make arranged food using canned mackerel.
I will introduce a recipe for cooked mackerel rice.

Grilled mackerel rice

Food material How to cook
  • Rice   1.5 cups
  • Mackerel can   1 peace
  • Sea salt kelp
  • Shredded ginger
  • Coarsely chopped vegetables
  • Tokyo tap water
  1. Put rice in a rice cooker
  2. Take only meat from canned mackerel on a plate
  3. Put the juice left in canned mackerel into the cooking pot
  4. Adjust the amount of water
  5. Remove mackerel and put in a rice cooker
  6. Add shredded ginger
  7. Put coarsely chopped vegetables
  8. (I leave it for about 30 minutes and soak the taste in the rice)
  9. Cook with the same cooking menu as when cooking white rice
  10. After cooking, steam for 15 minutes
  11. Stir ingredients evenly

The seasoning is adjusted with the taste of salt and kelp from the juice and salt kelp in canned mackerel.
I put some barley in the video. The texture of barley is a good accent.
If you do not have time, it is OK to omit 8. and 10.

When putting vegetables with a lot of water, I think that it is better to reduce the amount of water a little.
In the video I put onions that contain a lot of water, but at that time I thought it would have been better to reduce the amount of water a little more.

There may be a cooking menu for cooking rice in the rice cooker, but there was no problem in the white rice mode.

The timing of pouring water is important.
It is difficult to control the amount of water needed if you put the ingredients first.

I think that the taste of mackerel can be anything.

