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Useful apps

I accidentally deleted all of the photos in the smartphone by mistake.I was pretty upset, but there was a restore app an...

Add character

I added characters.   Feature Cook clothes Drunk Doctor Racing driver Appearance scene Appears when I'm cooking. Appears...

If you are Kodak lovers

I don't really hear Kodak in Japan right now. It is sad for me. It's a good company. In Japan, B-to-B business is the ma...

Vaunt of game lottery

Jojo SS, a smartphone game I have been playing for a long time. All three SSRs hit for the first time in three consecuti...

Spanish cheese

I bought these cheeses because they were selling cheap at a nearby supermarket.   Queso de Valdeón ・ ・ ・ Taste like blue...
Food / Drink / liquor

Great color wines La Vague Bleue (French Sparkling)

I found an interesting wine with a commonly used app, so I purchased it. It's dark when I take a picture at home and it ...

Money is back from eBay

The other day, I wrote an article that I contacted because the product did not arrive from ebay.It was solved earlier th...
Consumer electronics

Cheap Air Purifier Yissvic KJ50G-D4

This year's pollen is being treated so as not to fit my constitution.Is pollen different from year to year like flu like...
3D printer

First time output with 3D printer -Output sample-

Do you want to output immediately after purchasing a 3D printer? Most people will output the sample data that came with ...

Card from Tokyo Fire Department

The person who fell from the stairs cut his head.Another person called an ambulance. Because it is blood from the head, ...
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