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Motorizing choppers

Every time I used a kitchen knife, it was cumbersome to chop, so I bought a chopping cutter.Certainly it was easier to c...
3D printer

Make it easy to take out after 3D printer printing

This is a problem with the 3D printer installation environment.However, many people will want the object to come to the ...

Warpage of printing of 3D printer

Since the CR-10S heat bed has broken, I print without raising the temperature of the stage.I thought that PLA would be a...
Adobe Premiere Pro

Create a timelapse with Premiere

I challenged to create a timelapse. Because I photographed the appearance of modeling of 3D printer.Since the molding ti...
3D printer

3D Printer Accessories You Should Buy

Basically, you can print using only the accessories of the purchased 3D printer.This page introduces useful items from m...

Useful apps

I accidentally deleted all of the photos in the smartphone by mistake.I was pretty upset, but there was a restore app an...

Add character

I added characters. FeatureCook clothesDrunkDoctorRacing driverAppearance sceneAppears when I'm cooking.Appears when int...

If you are Kodak lovers

I don't really hear Kodak in Japan right now. It is sad for me. It's a good company. In Japan, B-to-B business is the ma...

Vaunt of game lottery

Jojo SS, a smartphone game I have been playing for a long time. All three SSRs hit for the first time in three consecuti...

Spanish cheese

I bought these cheeses because they were selling cheap at a nearby supermarket. Queso de Valdeón ・ ・ ・ Taste like blue m...
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